Your authorized dealer has the qualified service personnel, special tools, and equipment to perform all service operations in an expert manner. Service Manuals are available which include detailed service information for your vehicle. Refer to these Service Manuals before attempting any procedure yourself.

NOTE: Intentional tampering with emissions control systems may void your warranty and could result in civil penalties being assessed against you.

You can be badly injured working on or around a motor vehicle. Only do service work for which you have the knowledge and the proper equipment. If you have any doubt about your ability to perform a service job, take your vehicle to a competent mechanic.

    Use of genuine MOPAR parts for normal/scheduled maintenance and repairs is highly recommended to ensure the designed performance. Damage or failures caused by the use of non-MOPAR parts for mainten ...

    The pages that follow contain the required maintenance services determined by the engineers who designed your vehicle. Besides those maintenance items specified in the fixed maintenance schedule, ...

    See also:

    Converter, catalytic
    DESCRIPTION WARNING: The normal operating temperature of the exhaust system is very high. Therefore, never work around or attempt to service any part of the exhaust system until it ...

    Diagnosis and Testing
    CLUTCH - FIXED DISPLACEMENT A/C COMPRESSOR The compressor clutch coil electrical circuit for the Denso 10SR15 and 10SR17 fixed displacement A/C compressors is controlled by the powertrain control ...

    The standard front and available rear heating-A/C systems used in this vehicle are blend-air type systems. In a blend-air system, a blend-air door controls the amount of conditioned air that is a ...
