Your vehicle uses a keyless ignition system. This system consists of a Key Fob with Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and a Wireless Ignition Node (WIN) with integral ignition switch. You can insert the Key Fob into the ignition switch with either side up.

Wireless Ignition Node (WIN)

The Wireless Ignition Node (WIN) operates similarly to an ignition switch. It has four operating positions, three of which are detented and one spring-loaded. The detented positions are LOCK, ACC, and ON. The START position is a spring-loaded momentary contact position.

When released from the START position, the switch automatically returns to the detented ON position.

Wireless Ignition Node (WIN)
Wireless Ignition Node (WIN)

1 — LOCK.


3 — ON.

4 — START.

Key Fob

The Key Fob operates the ignition switch. It also contains the Remote Keyless Entry (RKE) transmitter and an emergency key, which stores in the rear of the Key Fob.

The emergency key allows for entry into the vehicle should the battery in the vehicle or the Key Fob go dead.

You can keep the emergency key with you when valet parking.

To remove the emergency key, slide the mechanical latch at the top of the Key Fob sideways with your thumb and then pull the key out with your other hand.

Emergency Key Removal
Emergency Key Removal

• You can insert the double-sided emergency key into the lock cylinder with either side up.

• Only the drivers door is equipped with a lock cylinder.

Tip Start Feature

Do not press the accelerator. Use the Key Fob to briefly turn the ignition switch to the START position and release it as soon as the starter engages. The starter motor will continue to run, and it will disengage automatically when the engine is running.

Removing Key Fob From Ignition

Place the shift lever in PARK. Turn the key to the LOCK position and then remove the Key Fob.

• For vehicles not equipped with the Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC), the power window switches, radio, power sunroof (if equipped), and ignition-powered power outlets will remain active for approximately 45 seconds after the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK position. Opening either front door will cancel this feature.

• For vehicles equipped with the EVIC, the power window switches, radio, power sunroof (if equipped), and ignition-powered power outlets will remain active for up to 10 minutes after the ignition switch is turned to the LOCK position. Opening either front door will cancel this feature. The time for this feature is programmable.

Refer to “Electronic Vehicle Information Center (EVIC)/Personal Settings (Customer- Programmable Features)” in “Understanding Your Instrument Panel” for further information.

Never leave children alone in a vehicle. Leaving unattended children in a vehicle is dangerous for a number of reasons. A child or others could be seriously or fatally injured. Don’t leave the key in the ignition. A child could operate power windows, other controls, or move the vehicle.

An unlocked car is an invitation to thieves. Always remove the key from the ignition and lock all doors when leaving the vehicle unattended.

Key-In-Ignition Reminder

Opening the driver’s door when the Key Fob is in the ignition and the ignition switch position is LOCK or ACC, a chime will sound to remind you to remove the key.

NOTE: The Key-In-Ignition reminder only sounds when the Key Fob is placed in the LOCK or ACC position.

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